Let’s face it, we all wait so patiently for summer to come here in Buffalo that you are absolutely going to want to enjoy yourself to the fullest. It's a time when we often find ourselves indulging in delicious foods and drinks, going to countless pool parties and gatherings and this can lead to extra calorie intake. The last thing you want is to have gained 10 pounds over the summer so I’m here to help. With a little planning and dedication, it's possible to enjoy the summer months while staying on track with your health and fitness goals. In this blog, we'll explore how you can use meal prep and mindful choices to maintain a healthy routine Monday through Thursday, allowing you to indulge in some extra fun on the weekends guilt-free.

The Importance of Meal Prep:

Meal prepping is a powerful tool that can help you maintain a healthy eating pattern throughout the week. By preparing your meals in advance, you have control over the ingredients and portion sizes, making it easier to stay on track. Remember, if you don’t have a plan for your meals for the week you can easily slip into making poor food choices. If you don’t have time, don’t want to or don’t have the knowledge of meal prep you can stop into your local 95 Nutrition and pick up everything you need to succeed! 

Mindful Choices and Moderation:

While it's important to stay consistent with your healthy routine during the week, it's also crucial to practice mindfulness and moderation during social events or outings. Try not to overeat and keep in mind that alcoholic beverages are full of calories. Portion control is most important when you are attending summer bbqs and pool parties. Have a hotdog or burger, just don’t have both. Take a 1/2 scoop of macaroni salad instead of a full scoop. Drink a seltzer instead of a heavy IPA beer. These little changes can yield big results.

Finding Balance:

Maintaining balance is key to sustainable and enjoyable health and fitness habits. By staying on track Monday through Thursday with your meal prep and mindful choices, you create a foundation that allows for a little extra fun on the weekends. Remember, indulging in occasional treats or higher-calorie meals is a natural part of life. Here's how to strike the right balance:

Tracking your health and fitness goals during the summer months is all about finding the right balance between staying on track and enjoying the season's festivities. By incorporating meal prep, making mindful choices, and practicing moderation, you can have a guilt-free and enjoyable summer. Remember to stay consistent Monday through Thursday (or even Friday if you can) so you can relax and indulge a little extra on the weekends, creating a sustainable approach to health and wellness that lasts beyond the summer months.