The Secrets of Frozen Food: All You Need to Know About It

Eating freshly cooked meals is the basis of your well-being. Yet, for many people, it remains a kind of mission impossible. Most of us have no time and skills to cook diverse fresh meals three times a day. So, the section on frozen food remains popular when it decides what to cook for lunch. At the same time, most nutritionists and medical advisors warn patients that frozen products can be harmful. Is it true? Let’s discover this topic in detail.
Is frozen food healthy?
With the advent of fridges, saving food became easier. Earlier people invented multiple techniques for preventing food from being spoiled like preservation, fermentation, drying, or marinading. Today a single fridge with a freezer allows you to keep your products untouched. Moreover, there are lots of frozen foods you can pick from the shelf and reheat in your microwave. Which of these products are healthy? We have some ideas about it.
- The most common types of frozen products you can consider to be healthy are whole fish and seafood. Typically, these products undergo deep freezing right after they are caught. Modern fishing boats are equipped with shock freezers and they deliver freshly frozen fish which preserves all vitamins and tastes like the fresh one.
- Frozen berries and vegetables are also ubiquitous. It’s a good idea to preserve them this way instead of making jams and juices which are oversugared.
- Frozen semi-cooked products also can be healthy. It’s quite a popular technique when cooks freeze big amounts of meatballs, dolma, and sausages when they are shaped but do not undergo thermal processing.
Yet, there are products which are not as useful as you consider. Which are they?
- Frozen snacks and fast food products. They are not healthy as-is, so do not expect them to be healthy after you get them frozen.
- Badly frozen fresh vegetables and fruits. If you see lots of ice on the surface of such products, better avoid them. Probably, they were defrosted before and re-frosted which shortens their expiration time and taste.
- Ready-made meals which undergo freezing after they are cooked. Typically, manufacturers add lots of preservatives and colorants to maintain their tasty look and prevent spoiling.
So, it is better to inspect the foods you take from the shelves of the frozen products section and evaluate their condition, expiration time, and ingredients list.

How to store frozen meals?
At once, frozen food is not a threat to your health. When you have a spacious freezer, it eases your life. Just follow our tips on how to store frozen products properly.
- You can freeze extras of your homemade food. For example, if you have leaves of Cajun chicken you do not want to eat right today, put it in a clean container and close the lid. Then put it in a freezer and re-heat when you need it.
- During the season of fresh veggies and berries, you can make some supplies for winter. Berries, sliced fruits, green vegetables, corn, and fresh lentils can be frozen for your further cooking experiments.
- Fish and meat also can be frozen but you should remember that their terms of storage are limited. You can keep veal for 6 months in a freezer, while pork can be stored for no more than 4 months and chicken or minced meat too. Besides, you have to de-freeze meat properly. It is better to put it in the upper section of your fridge for a night to de-freeze it gently.
- For some families, keeping a portion of frozen semi-processed food is a godsend. So, you can keep in your freezer a supply of dumplings or ravioli, shaped meatballs, or chicken nuggets you cooked yourself. Then you’ll simply have to take them off and cook, namely, by boiling, adding to soup, frying, or baking.
So, if you love to cook, you can avoid buying semi-cooked products and make them yourself to store in your freezer. In this case, you save time for cooking meals, and you can be sure that your frozen product meets your requirements for freshness, healthy origin, and proper storage because you froze it yourself.
Getting the best meals frozen from 95 Nutrition
Yet, if you have no time to freeze food for your healthy eating and products from the mall are suspicious to you, what to do? Just use our offer to provide you with healthy frozen food! In 95 Nutrition, we prepare dishes and instantly freeze them to preserve all tastes, flavors, and useful ingredients. We do not use any preservatives or processed food ingredients and we strictly adhere to the USDA recommendations. At 95 Nutrition, ensuring the safety of our food is paramount, so we go the extra mile to offer our customers only the healthiest frozen meals. We kindly request that you keep these meals frozen and maintain a supply of no more than 2-3 days in your refrigerator to ensure optimal freshness and safety.