5 SUNDAY Tips for weight loss success throughout the week!

#SUNDAYFUNDAY may arguably be our favorite day of the week! I am going to give you 5 things to check off your "TO-DO" list today that will set you up for success this up coming week! Let's get right into it!
Now before everyone gets all mad at me right off the bat.. Let me explain!
I get it! For 90% of Americans Sunday is THE ONLY DAY you can hit the snooze, or better yet, not set an alarm at all! I am all for getting a little extra sleep on Sunday but lets keep it realistic & keep our goals in mind. If your normal wakeup time is 5-6am during the week, feel free to sleep till 7:30-8am. ???? What I don't want to see is you crawling out of bed at 11:59am, with almost the entire day wasted ???? You will need some extra time anyway for our next 4 tips!
I will not sugar coat this one AT ALL. If you are going to stay on track this week and keep your weight loss results coming you absolutely have to meal prep. This is going to require a trip to the grocery store, a messy kitchen AND 5 hours of your precious Sunday, if you choose to "do it yourself" BUT I'm going to need you to make it happen. I can promise you that if you do not have a plan for your food, you won't be successful this week. Not being mean, just being honest. Now on the flip side you could save yourself 4.5 hours and just make a trip into your nearest 95 Nutrition today and stock up for the week! BOOM. DONE
Have a seat at the table and plan out your entire week on paper. Day by day. Maybe Monday you have hockey at 5pm for your son, Wednesday is Dance at 7pm for your daughter, Doctors appointment at 2pm on Friday. Get all of the "mandatory" things down first and THEN... Don't forget to pencil in something for yourself & your physical & mental health this week. Maybe you want to try a new yoga class, or spin class...maybe you just want to go for a walk outside. Whatever that may be, write it down with a DAY & TIME and don't you dare miss it. YOU ARE IMPORTANT TOO!
Now the first thing that is going to jump into your head is a number right? "Okay, I want to lose 3 lbs this week or else I'll be a failure & I'll always be fat and this will all be a waste of time." STOP, STOP, STOP! Breathe. I am not asking you for a "magic number", in fact I encourage you to throw your scale out the 2nd story window of your house today! I want REALISTIC & EMPOWERING GOALS. Here are some examples...
- I will go all week without eating my kids fruit snacks
- I will stay out of the break room candy all week
- I will eat my 95 Nutrition meal instead of going out to lunch with Betty on Wednesday
- I will not finish my daughters plate when she is done eating dinner this week
- I will not put potato chips in my shopping cart today at Wegman's
Own YOUR Sunday! Execute it like a well oiled machine. Knock everything off the list and get your butt to bed at a decent hour. Any successful weight loss journey starts with determination, planning, dedication, honesty AND SLEEP. YOU NEED SLEEP, so stop staying up and binge watching shows. You have goals to crush tomorrow. You are going to lose weight this week because you went to bed prepared for success!!!
Monday is coming. You have all the tools you need to succeed! Let's do this!