Fact or Fiction: Cheese is Bad for You

A commonly asked question that we receive is “Why do you choose to put cheese in your meals, isn't it bad for you?” So, let’s answer the question once and for all: Is cheese bad for you, fact or fiction?
Fact: Cheese is high in fat
One of the main concerns that people have about cheese is that it is high in fat. This is true but only to some extent. Cheese is a high-calorie food, and it does contain a significant amount of fat. However, if you are consuming one serving or even less than a full serving you are not going to break the bank on our fat intake for the day. Consuming a low/moderate amount of fats in your daily calorie intake is healthy! Fats are an essential nutrient that serves several important functions in the human body such as hormone production and the absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E &K).
Fiction: Cheese is bad for your health
This is a very direct statement. What it should say is “Too much cheese is bad for your health.” In moderation, cheese can be a valuable source of important nutrients. Cheese is a good source of protein, which is necessary for building and repairing tissues in the body.
Fiction: Cheese causes heart disease
There has been some concern in the past that cheese can contribute to heart disease. This is because cheese is high in saturated fat, which has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. However, recent research has suggested that the link between saturated fat and heart disease may not be as strong as previously thought. In fact, some studies have found that cheese consumption may be associated with a lower risk of heart disease.
In conclusion, the idea that “cheese is bad for you” just doesn’t work. Frankly, any food that you consume in excess could be considered bad for you. Here at 95 Nutrition we strive to show our customers that a well balanced diet with portion control being the driving force will not only help you lose weight it will also set you on a path to an overall healthier lifestyle. We do not believe in cutting entire food groups from your diet. This just isn’t realistic. When you are able to build a HEALTHY relationship with food through portion control you will be able to success on your health journey for life not just for as long as your “fad diet” lasts.