By now 75% of New Years weight-loss resolutions have dissolved… By next month it will be a staggering 92% percent. In fact studies have shown that only 8% of individuals who set out to lose weight in the new year actually succeed.

Have you given up already? It is nothing to be ashamed of. You are not alone. Losing weight is HARD. It is way more difficult when you feel alone during the process. When you are traveling through your weight loss journey, you at times feel that this may be the “hardest thing you have ever done” Well I want you to know that I understand how it may feel this way, at the time, but when you get to the end of the road you are going to smile and say “I wish I would have done this sooner… it wasn’t that bad”

Successful weight loss takes 4 things…
1. TIME– It's going to take time to lose weight THE RIGHT WAY. (8-12 months for most)

2. Consistency– EVRY single day you wake up you have to be working towards this goal

3. Patience– It doesn’t happen overnight. PERIOD

4. Mental toughness – The difference between the person you are and the person you want to be, is a matter of saying “NO”-food doesn’t control your happiness, YOU DO.

If you have already exhausted your New Years' weight loss it is not over for you. Get back on track with 95 Nutrition. Look into our 30-day challenge. It may just be the jumpstart you need to succeed this time. It is NEVER too late to start losing weight and getting yourself into a more happy and healthy body. February's challenge is 10% off right now!

Let 95 Nutrition teach you how to eat in America for the rest of your life. Portion controlled eating is life-changing. Try us for just one week and you will see that you CAN do this.

Let us help. Get your order placed through our website and you can start as early as Wednesday!