Meal Planning vs. Meal Prepping

Did you wake up this morning with your meals planned and prepped? If the answer is NO this blog is for you.
Let me be frank, Your weight loss success in 2021 DEPENDS on meal planning.
Meal planning is different from meal prepping. Before you can prep you have to have a plan. Now, if you are a customer of 95 Nutrition your “meal planning” consists of making time to stop in store OR to place your order online. If you are not using 95 you have to take on the task of sitting down and writing out exactly what you will be eating for the next 7 days & then shopping for the ingredients. Once you have lugged all the groceries home it’s time to spend HOURS prepping, cooking, portioning the food and then finish that all up with a big sink of dirty dishes. (UGH) Now that you have wasted your entire Sunday you are ready for success on Monday morning.
Meal planning is time consuming but meal planning is also CRITICAL for your success. You cannot go into your week with no idea as to where and when your next meal will be. If you dare to do this you will end up in the Mighty Taco drive thru by noon. The success of your entire week depends on your ability to PLAN a head. If just thinking about everything I have detailed above makes your head spin it’s time that you give 95 Nutrition a try.
Save yourself the time, money and frustration of meal prep. Stop in this week and we will get you everything you need to succeed. Weight loss made easy with help from NYS's #1 rated meal prep service.