Quick workout for a snowy day

Now that we have had our first real snowfall of the season, gym attendance already dropped. I think too often people use the weather as an excuse. Let's be real, most of us live quite close to our gym, and will only be looking at up to 5 extra minutes travel time (barring a big storm). I don't like cleaning my car off and shoveling off as much as the next person, but are you really give up on the day because of a little snow? How bad do you really want this? If clearing your car off is enough to make you want to skip your workout for the day you need to have an honest conversation with yourself, and "GET TO DA GYM!" (in my best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice).
On the days that travel really is bad, the plows have not been out, and there may be a travel ban, STILL NOT AN EXCUSE! You can do this quick circuit in your living room and still be productive. This will be a quick total body blast, and you'll get some cardio in at the same time. As always, note your time it takes you to finish, and if you have to do this at home again, strive to beat your time!
Repeat each group 3 times before moving to the next group. Rest no more than 30 seconds between each set per group, and rest 90 seconds max before moving to the next group.
Group A
- 20 Jump Squats
- 20 Alternating Reverse Lunges
- 10 Knee to elbow pushups
- Repeat 3 times
Group B
- 20 seconds per side Side Plank
- 20 Alternating leg Knee Tuck
- 10 Burpees
- Repeat 3 times
Group C
- 100 Hollow Butterfly Kicks
- 20 Prisoner (hands behind your head) bodyweight squats
- 30-60 second plank
- 10 close grip pushups (modify on knees if necessary)
- Repeat 3 times
Happy Holidays!