The Truth About the First Year of Weight Loss

When I began my weight loss journey, I heard the same thing over and over again: “The first few months will be the hardest.” But let me tell you something—it wasn’t just the first few months that were hard. It was the entire first year. And I want to be honest with you about that, because if you’re prepared to commit to a year, you’ll completely transform not only your body but the person you are.
For me, that first year wasn’t what most people would call “successful.” I didn’t lose a single pound. Not one. That’s not the norm, but it was my reality. And it wasn’t for lack of trying—I was trying everything. But that was part of the problem. I fell into the trap of fad diets and quick fixes, always looking for that magic solution. During the week, I’d stick to a restrictive plan, but when the weekend rolled around, I’d binge. It was a vicious cycle of losing and regaining the same few pounds, and it left me feeling defeated.
Looking back, I can see that I wasted so much time on things that didn’t work. Those fad diets? They only taught me how to restrict myself to the point of frustration. Those binges? They were my way of rebelling against the unrealistic expectations I had set for myself. If I could go back, I would tell myself to stop chasing shortcuts and start focusing on what really works: portion control.
Portion control changed everything for me. It taught me how to have a healthy relationship with food. I didn’t have to give up my favorite meals or feel like I was depriving myself. I just had to learn how to enjoy them in the right amounts. It was a slow process, but over time, I realized that the key to success wasn’t perfection—it was consistency.
Here’s what I want you to know: You don’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to give up everything you love. And you don’t have to see immediate results to know you’re on the right path. What you do need is commitment. Not for a month. Not for a few months. For a year. Give yourself a full year to work through the ups and downs, to figure out what works for you, and to build habits that will last a lifetime.
The first year is hard because it’s about so much more than losing weight. It’s about breaking old habits and building new ones. It’s about learning to be patient with yourself. It’s about letting go of the idea that there’s a quick fix and embracing the idea that real change takes time.
If you’re just starting your journey, I want you to learn from my struggles. It’s not easy. It’s not quick. But it’s worth it. You can do this.
I am always here if you need a support system. You can message me on my personal Instagram, or follow our weight loss community page.