This is My Story - Dawn Fraser - A mother, A wife a warrior

I don’t have an exciting story. I am not a competitive body builder, powerlifter or athlete of any kind. I am just a girl, a Mom, like many of you who has struggled with maintaining a healthy weight. It wasn’t until after I became a Mom that I quickly realized I HAD to make myself a higher priority.
I was overweight, unhealthy and very unhappy with myself. I wanted to be a role model of a healthy body AND mind for my children. In order to do that I had to live it, not just think it or speak it.It took some time to find out what methods worked to motivate me to lose the extra pounds I was carrying around. I had to put exercise and eating healthy as a top priority for years. For me, that meant late night workouts after the kids went to bed and time invested in measuring and tracking macros. It was hard! I could not have done any of it alone! I surrounded myself with others who were fighting to achieve a healthier life and befriended those already living it! The support I received from family and friends was important but it all started with a decision that I put into action each and every day. My successes and failures were many but I learned A LOT! I learned that the “all or nothing” mentality I had was not sustainable.
Though losing weight was supposed to be the hard part but my personal struggle came after the weight was gone and I was “skinny”. Skinny was never the goal. I wanted to be healthy, fit and strong! I switched my focus from burning calories and losing weight to gaining muscle and getting strong. I loved lifting so much and felt more empowered as a woman that in order to share my passion I got Certified in Personal Training. Currently I work part time for Absolute Fitness & Wellness at Snap Fitness on Grand Island. My focus when training clients models my personal experience which is a sustainable and flexible approach to fitness resulting in a healthy relationship with food and exercise.
I don’t always have amazing workouts, I don’t hit PRs on a regular basis, my daily nutrition isn’t perfect BUT I believe in balance. “My” balance changes with the seasons of my family and work life. What will never change is the importance I put on MY health, both physical and mentally.
My goal is forever to do the things that keep me healthy, fit and happy for the rest of my life and by doing that I am being the best Mom I could ever possibly be.