Top 5 reasons Portion Control should be your #1 choice for weight loss!

As the weather begins to change I know that a lot of us are starting to feel the bulge from our summer fun. As you start to scour the internet for the "Magic diet solution" I want to encourage you to try something different this time around.
PORTION CONTROLLED EATING- With the help of 95 Nutrition!!
Here are the top 5 reasons Portion control works!
Every wonder why "Fad diets" are here today and gone tomorrow? Because they don't work! Keto, Atkins, paleo, baby food, juicing, cabbage soup diet... WHAT?? A cabbage soup diet?? If it sounds crazy, it is crazy.
Just by quickly skimming over the requirements of a fad dieting (especially the ones listed above) you will be cutting major foods and entire food groups from your diet. While this may yield you short term results there is NO WAY you can live the rest of your life without carbs or just by eating baby food...ew...
When looking at fad diets anyone can see that the major "weight loss factor" is cutting calories... BIG TIME. Cutting your daily intake of calories in half will absolutley make the pounds fall off quickly but it comes at a cost. YOUR SANITY, YOUR HEALTH and your ability to have a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP with food after you come off this "Crash diet"
I feel like diets are always dreaded because we focus too much on "What you can't have"...and I mean that is a real cause for concern when on a fad diet because not only are you grumpy & hungry all the time, you now feel like you are a prisoner to your home because nothing on a restaurant menu "fits your fad". Imagine pulling out your baby food container while on a date. LOL
You will NOT last forever on a "fad diet", I can promise you that. I am not trying to be negative, but more so realistic. EVENTUALLY you will eat carbs or ditch the cabbage soup and when you do the aftermath will be like an atomic bomb on your body, digestive system and brain. You have spent MONTHS avoiding all these "amazing foods" and now that you have had just a little taste you cannot help yourself AND I DON'T BLAME YOU!! 90% of fad diet users gain back at LEAST half their total weight lost in just a few short weeks.
So let's circle back to portion control. Here at 95 Nutrition we simply ask you to eat less. THAT IS IT. We have clients losing upwards of 10-12 pounds a month here. Now I know that may seem like "not enough" when you compare it to Atkins or keto results BUT you are missing the key factors here. SUSTAINABILITY AND YOUR SANITY. Without the two you will not succeed long term and isn't that everyones end goal? To look good and feel good on a daily basis?
Did this blog strike a chord with you? Are you ready to give this a shot? I can guarantee you that this works if you work. Stick to our program, be honest with your eating and ASK QUESTIONS along the way. Our customer service team is here to help you every step of the way. You can get started TODAY.
How do you get started? Just reach out!
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