Working Out On an Empty Stomach: Describing Pros and Cons

Have you tried working out on an empty stomach at least once? Some people consider it making miracles to their bodies regarding weight-loss practices. However, some think it’s not as effective as it is claimed. Let’s consider some facts and ideas about working out on an empty stomach and decide whether it is OK for you.
What Does the Healthcare Industry Say About Working Out on an Empty Stomach?
First, what is working out on an empty stomach? This practice gained the name of fasted cardio, and its essence is to start your training with at least 8–10 hours of refraining from eating. This type of workout is supposed to burn more fat. The idea is that when you train on an empty stomach, your body burns fat and carbs deposits in your body instead of the food you’ve just eaten.
Research held in 2016 proved that men who didn’t have breakfast prior to their workouts burn more calories. Yet, in 2014, similar research on women dispelled this fact as no significant changes in calorie burning were detected.
However, the research published in 2020 on PubMed, resulted in the following:
- Fasted cardio truly boosts the lipolysis process in the adipose tissue.
- At once, in highly trained athletes, fasted workouts fasted glucose metabolism and often led to a decrease in blood sugar.
Thus, the conclusion is that if you have to burn more fat and reduce the adipose tissue volumes, fasted cardio can work well for you. Yet, if you are a trained athlete, it is better to avoid this kind of workout practice.
Highlighting Priorities: Which Pros Fasted Cardio Offers to an Athlete
As for the bright sides of working out on an empty stomach, they are as follows:
- You feel lightness and you do not spend your energy on food digestion while training. If you have a full-fledged breakfast before your training, you can feel heaviness in your stomach and this results in lower performance. If you train on an empty stomach, you avoid this feeling and focus more on exercises.
- As our bodies tend to store carbs in glycogen molecules when you train on an empty stomach, you need energy and the body breaks these molecules to free glucose, the source of energy. Then, the body turns to fat deposits to replenish energy to train.
- The fastest cardio means that you start your workout in the morning, and this is quite profitable for your well-being according to natural biorhythms.
At once, the choice of a workout to practice on an empty stomach is significant. The best types of exercises to start your day are as follows:
- Yoga. It brings harmony to your mind and body and you are ready for any stress or activity after you make it.
- Swimming. It’s a great fat-burning activity, and swimming strengthens your muscles and spine. That’s crucial for a desk job.
- Walking. Even if you are not a gym fan, you can work out on an empty stomach daily simply by walking for 20-30 minutes. That’s the most reachable type of workout.
- Cardio of all types is the most fat-burning type of activity. It impacts also the cardiovascular system and delivers the maximum oxygen to cells.
- Strength workouts are shaping your body and build your muscles. These types of training help to avoid obesity and manage diabetes.
So, if you decide to work out on an empty stomach, these types of training are the best to start your day with.

Are There Any Cons?
Although there are multiple benefits, we cannot disregard the possible drawbacks working out on an empty stomach can bring you.
- If you train without replenishing your energy levels, especially, maintaining the deficit of carbs, your blood sugar can drop out considerably and this can lead to vertigo, weakness in muscles, and overall feeling unwell.
- Often, the body starts using protein as the source of energy instead of fat and carbs. This can lead to slow muscle growth as the necessary protein is not used as a muscle-building material.
- Some athletes experience low stamina after they work out on an empty stomach, and if you have to work and remain active, this is not good for you.
One more fact that is dramatically important: you should practice working out on an empty stomach only under your medical advisor’s approval. This practice is not safe for a couple of health conditions. Thus, if you have diabetes, reactive hypoglycemia, hypertension, or hypotension, it is not safe for you to work out on an empty stomach. So, please, get your doctor’s consultation and approval prior to starting fasted cardio.
Searching for Alternatives: Which Foods Provide You With More Energy Before Training
So, you can see that working out on an empty stomach can be a good idea for reaching some weight-loss goals. Yet, it is not a one-fits-all solution, especially, if you feel that your morning energy levels are low. Thus, if you cannot train hard without fueling your body, it is better not to experiment with your well-being. The secret is you have to choose the right meals before your workouts to improve your performance. The best idea is to maintain a balanced menu which provides you with enough energy yet is not too heavy to digest while training. Which are these meals?
- Do not avoid carbs at all yet, but prefer healthy ones i.e., fresh fruits, vegetables, and legumes.
- Select healthy fats to add to your morning pre-exercise menu like avocados, olive oil, or black cumin oil.
- Add some proteins. In terms of morning workouts, the best ones are fish, chicken, turkey, or dairy products. They are low-fat yet rich in protein.
- Do not overeat before training. Just fuel your body with a small portion so as not to feel hungry.
In case you do not have time or ideas about how to cook your pre-workout meals, we propose a great alternative. Just get to our menu and select the most delicious and nutritive meals and we’ll cook and deliver it fresh right to your door.
If you decide to lose as much weight as possible in a healthy way, you can try fasted cardio practices after your doctor’s approval. Yet, it’s a must to listen to your body as this method doesn’t fit everyone. In case you feel tired and non-energized at the beginning of your workout on an empty stomach, it is better to choose another way and create a balanced and healthy pre-workout menu to top up your energy levels and enjoy improved performance.