Lindsey's Top 3 Uses for Protein Powder

During my postpartum weight loss journey I used protein powder in conjunction with my 95 Nutrition meals. The addition of protein powder to my weight loss regimen helped me in these 3 ways…
- A safe late night snack: While dieting you are at a calorie deficit. This is of course how you lose weight! But being at a calorie deficit means that you are going to feel hungry at times. I could ignore my growling tummy during the day but if I became hungry right before bed it was just BRUTAL. Who can fall asleep with a growling stomach? NOT ME! Having my Rule 1 protein 1/2 hour before bed was the perfect solution. Not only was my hunger curbed, I wasn’t undoing all my dieting for the day.
- A quick snack on the go: With as busy as we are in America we often find ourselves away from home and all of a sudden you are starving. UGH. Now what? Gas station snack? Fast food? Try and make it till you get home? My Rule 1 protein never let me down in this situation. Remember you can have 2 shakes a day whenever you want so mid afternoon is when I would have my first. The quick “on the go” shake allowed me to get through the rest of my errands and then I was able to stick to my 95 meal when I got home. Lifesaver!
- Adding more protein to your diet: Protein powder is a quick and easy way to add more protein to your diet without adding more sugar or carbs. A diet high in protein will keep you fuller longer which in turn helps you lose weight faster!
Weight loss doesn’t work unless you do. Remember, as I always say, there is no “quick fix” to weight loss. There is not a magic pill or powder to make you thin overnight BUT if you follow our meal program and use these supplements I have recommend in conjunction YOU WILL SUCCEED! Stop in this week to any of our 8 locations and purchase this product this week!