The power of a dress. For the guys out there, we don’t expect you to ever understand. Sometimes you just have to buy the damn dress and slay. End of story.

This past week was my 31st Birthday and boy did my friends turn out for it. We had an absolute blast. I no longer am “hiding” from the camera like I was on Dec.31st (New Years eve). HUGE change in just 2 months! Not only was I not hiding from people taking pictures, I asking for people to take my picture! WHAT?! FINALLY I don’t feel so self conscious. I definitely was not in “the shape” I wanted to be in for my big dinner event, but since I made sure I ordered something extra special to wear for the evening, it gave me A little “confidence booster”.

I learned a lot about enjoying the “moment” this week. I was so stressed out because of my plateau that has been looming over me that I didn’t even know how to handle this Birthday celebration. Should I just cancel it???? I can’t spend a THIRD consecutive week bouncing between 163 and 164 lbs. Or can I??? With a special thanks to my husband for being the voice of reason, I decided to just have the party. After all it is MY BIRTHDAY. Is canceling plans really worth it to lose another pound??  Getting on the scale today was a little nerve-racking. I kinda already knew the answer but you know I weigh in no matter what for you guys so I hopped on. Well my birthday gift was breaking through that plateu because I am down to 162 lbs. THANK GOD…

Take home message: I guess I never noticed JUST HOW MANY “events” an individual has in their life to celebrate until you have to “be mindful” of them because you are on a weight loss journey. I bet if I went back in these blogs that between holidays and special events such as birthdays or gatherings that 1/2 of my weeks thus far have has some sort of obstacle to overcome when it comes to my eating. Listen friends, I am down 25 lbs and still living my life. That is the main focus of this week. Also, BUY THAT DRESS even if you haven’t made it to your goal weight yet. Giving yourself a night out and a moment to shine will do wonders for your confidence moving forward. I never thought that I would gain this much weight during pregnancy, so I guess I never thought about REALISTICALLY how long this was going to take me to get it back off. Starting this journey in November I naively would have told you that I would be back to “me” by my birthday…I am not disappointed in my results thus far. All things considered, I am kicking ass. Losing weight while working full time, raising a 4 month old and keeping up with your social life is NO JOKE. ????Sometimes you just need to take a step back and give yourself a little credit for all that is asked of you on a daily basis. YOU ARE AMAZING.

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Instagram: @thelindseycruz
Facebook: Lindsey Cruz