This is America! We love our food and there is NOTHING wrong with that.  I feel one of our biggest fears when choosing a diet is "How much suffering will this involve??" I am here to assure you that NO SUFFERING will occur here at 95, and this is why!

We are going to play a little game here today! Try THIS not THAT, with all examples from this weeks delectable menu from 95 Nutrition.

Craving chicken wings?------------->Try our Buffalo Chicken Wing Meatballs

Craving Potato skins?----------------->Try our Loaded Baked potato

Craving Chipotle or Moe's??---------> Try our Sizzling' Fajitas

Craving Pizza?------------------> Try our Pizza wrap

Portion controlled eating works! Join the 1,000's of customers losing weight with us. No need for crazy restrictive fad diets, no reed for endless hours in the gym. We are just asking you to eat LESS of your favorite foods. Stop in today and try us for the first time :)

Don't forget tonight is our ordering deadline.